Online Customer Portal


Upon initiation of a partnership with Mediflash, our customers gain access to our comprehensive and easy-to-use Online Customer Portal. This portal gives agents access to view every detail about orders placed with us, minimizing the need to send emails or make phone calls to understand the progress of any given case.

Our Portal allows authorized users to do the following:

  • Place orders using our streamlined process. While in the order entry process, customers have access to our Doctor Database, which has over 90,000 Medical Facilities across the country pre-loaded for ease of searching. Customers can also enter multiple orders for a single individual when records need to be obtained from more than one location. Signed Authorizations and other relevant documentation can also be uploaded during the process to expedite the onset of facility contact.
  • Check status on any order. Our clients can pop onto the Portal to view all of the Call Notes that our team members have registered against a case to get a sense of how the case is progressing. Customers have the ability to search for a case using varying criteria, from name or date of birth of the patient to facility name or address information to policy number. We also offer link options that will take a customer to specific views of their orders, such as Open Orders, Orders On Hold, Completed Order, or even orders with Charts to download, provided the user has access to do so.
  • Download charts. Customers can assign individuals on their team access to download Medical Records from our SSL-Protected Portal, making it very easy to obtain the records and apply them to the Policy being written. Oftentimes, we establish SFTP connectivity with customers to deliver charts directly to them upon completion and billing.
  • Special authorizations. Customers will also be granted access to our vast library of Special Authorizations, searchable by facility, state or even doctor name. With so many facilities requiring their own version of a patient authorization while rejecting “generic” authorizations, having access to download these documents from our Portal and provide them to the patient for signing can save days or even weeks of processing time.

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